GameJam? What's that?
It is an event for game developers of all kind. Throughout 42h you plan, design and develop a game within a given topic.
The SemesterGameJam is once every semester and is made for students with a passion for games.
We have highly interactive weekend with many side events such as talks of industry professionals and mentoring.
The organization team of the SemesterGameJam are Student of the Technical University Munich (TUM).
Why we are doing what we are doing.
Our Credo
Connect Students.
Merge the diverse expertises into a Game - designers, artists, programmers, story tellers and musicians.
This is the place where friendship develops into new stories.
Your story.
The next big thing.
Your next big thing?
The participants gain experience in the process of developing a game from the first line of code, the first sketches and polishing in the last minutes.
They collect ideas what makes a great game, have to find strengths in their new team members and and learn how to combine and show each individual skills.
Learning practical skills, speed up work flow and exploring the passion of team members for their subject.
Limited time is on of the key aspect of this event.
If you found your own company or join an existing team - dead lines are necessary and we want the students to know how it feels to work with a certain amount of pressure.
The teams can test their ideas they ever wanted to try.
Teamwork, Creativity and pleasure in what you do is what we want to give you in your project and our side events.
The SemesterGameJam - twice a year
The SemesterGamJam is an event series made by students for students in each semester.
It is not meant as just work rather than and experience to gain knowledge, create and strengthen friendships and within a certain topic and to think out of the box.
This is an experience you will only get here.
Where? When? What. The weekend.
The Adventure start at the ENTRANCE.
Friday evening there is a warm welcome to the students with some nice food and drinks.
For all of you that are new to the event we got some games you can play of previous events.
Afterwards our opening session will tell everything you need to know about where to find everything and the topic for his years event.
You'll group up in small teams for two rounds of collecting first ideas.
In the end you can ind you students that got the same interest to you and form your final group.
We have limited the group size to 5 to 6 members and should include at least one of the topics:
Programmer, Artist, Story and Sound. (It is not a must but strongly advised as we experienced over the years.)
Keep it rollin'. WORK PHASE.
Everyone is busy working on their project. It's not allowed to bring assets or code - everything needs to be created within the GameJam. Each Team decides how they organise the day.
There are mentors available for questions of all kinds.
The goal is to finish the game so it is ready to play and to present.
Finding the best mix of polished and bug free game.
The last day is presentation day. The jury and audience are patient to find out about the games and new innovations.
While the get-together with a buffet you can try the games and value with our criterium sheet what's your favourite game.
The best games in each category will win some awesome prices.
An unusual GameJam
To make the SemesterGameJam unforgettable for every participant our side events.
Make your way into the Bible of GameJam (our guest book), get some professional group photographs and explore many more activities we offer.
Where it is the achievement system or a pen and paper adventure - our side quests are made to entertain and engage you. Sometimes they can help for improving the development and sometimes it's. good way to get some "fresh air" before heading back to work.